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Thursday 24 October 2013


Visiting the world famous Golden Gate Bridge is a unique experience for everyone. Whether you hike, walk, bike, shop, take a guided tour, or just sit back and take it all in, there is something for everyone.
The Golden Gate Strait is the entrance to the San Francisco Bay from the Pacific Ocean. The strait is approximately three-miles long by one-mile with currents ranging from 4.5 to 7.5 knots. It is  generally accepted that the strait was named Golden Gate, by John C.Fremont, Captain, topographic engineers of the U.S Army circa 1846.
To build the bridge just took over four years. It was construction commenced on January 5, 1933 and the Bridge was open to vehicular traffic on May 28, 1937.
For your information, the movie the Rise of the Planet of the Apps is one of the movies that have include the Golden Gate as a backdrop and contain scene filmed on the Golden Gate Bridge.

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